
Dr. Ramalingam’s research group is mainly focused on molecular medicine and cellular engineering. Leveraging state-of-the-art genome engineering techniques, such as CRISPR/Cas9 and advanced sequencing technologies, we precisely manipulate genomic sequences to unravel the complex molecular mechanisms underlying various genetic disorders and malignancies. Our interdisciplinary approach bridges the gap between fundamental research and clinical application, enabling us to elucidate the key biological pathways driving disease. Additionally, our lab is dedicated to translating these insights into innovative therapeutic strategies that address the root causes of various pathogenic conditions. Through our commitment to rigorous scientific inquiry and collaboration, we aim to advance the field of cell and gene therapy and improve patient outcomes.

The main research interests are:

  • Development of pathophysiologically relevant cellular models (including patient-derived iPSCs) to study disease biology and drug discovery
  • Elucidating the regulatory landscape of fetal hemoglobin in β-globin gene cluster for disease intervention.
  • High throughput screening and identification of pharmacological small molecules for treating various genetic disorders.
  • Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of antigen heterogeneity in B-cell malignancies
  • Development of engineered immune cells for various malignancies


Induced pluripotent stem cell-based human disease model to study disease biology

Curative genome-editing therapies for inherited blood disorders

Development of next-generation novel CAR systems and off-the-shelf CAR-T cell immunotherapies.

Development of pathophysiologically relevant models of sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia for therapeutic studies